Programs to grow the capacity, behaviors, skills, and competencies for your people at all levels of your organization.
Team Development Experience
It was Alexander Graham Bell who said, “Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.” From working with many organizations, we know how critical it is to focus on collaboration and how that collaboration impacts the overall customer experience. Our passion and our commitment to companies are to help organizations thrive in a way that creates consistent teamwork, respect for peers’ ideas, and the ability to understand the perspectives of others.
- Do you need assistance in creating a collaborative culture within your organization?
- Could delegation skills help to enhance productivity and increase morale?
- Would it be helpful to learn some new coaching techniques to increase engagement and develop individuals within your organization?

SLII® A Situational Approach To Leadership:
A Blanchard Program
SLII® is the world’s most taught leadership model–because it works! The foundation of SLII® lies in teaching leaders to diagnose the needs of an individual or a team and then use the appropriate leadership style to respond to the needs of the person, team, and the situation. SLII® allows for leaders to partner with their direct reports so they can offer the appropriate development based on where the person is for a specific goal or task. This helps to build strong executive teams and assessing and developing the talent in their areas of responsibility.
- Individuals in leadership roles who want to increase their effectiveness
- Executives and senior-level managers
- Mid-level, new managers or supervisors
- Diagnose the development levels of employees and choose the appropriate leadership style
- Increase the frequency and quality of conversations about performance and development
- Create a communication model for all levels of the organization to support cultural change and move toward a high-performance organization
- Become a flexible leader who is highly skilled at goal setting, coaching, performance evaluation, active listening, feedback, and proactive problem solving
- Increase individual and organizational accountability by linking goals and planned intentions to an action plan
Building Trust:
A Blanchard Program
The level of trust employees have with colleagues or a leader determines how well they work together, listen to one another, and rely on each other to get things done. The Building Trust Model™ teaches people how to build trust and, if it’s been broken, how to repair it. The model is simple to learn and remember. Most importantly it is easy to apply on the job. Building Trust focuses on helping individuals build or repair trust, using a simple yet powerful trust model and framework.
Anyone who can benefit from building trust, from senior executives to managers to team leaders to individual contributors.
- Learn the Building Trust Framework
- Develop an action plan to engage in more trust-building behaviors
- Learn a three-step process for rebuilding trust
- Plan and practice two trust-building conversations

Delegate To Develop:
Even super heroes need help and support; yet, research shows that managers struggle to delegate because it takes time and energy, requires trust, and sometimes it’s because managers allow their old individual contributor role to overtake their new management role. In this session, learn how to delegate to others – on purpose – and learn how to focus that delegation on developing others to help them grow in their respective roles.
- Individuals in leadership roles who want to learn techniques for delegation and release control for increased productivity for themselves and their employee
- Executives and senior-level managers
- Mid-level, new managers or supervisors
- Clearly identify how delegation fits into their job and how it can make them more successful
- Identify different ways of delegating tasks
- Give better instructions for better delegation results
- Monitor results
- Give effective feedback
Situational Team Leadership:
A Blanchard Program
This program is a unique process for team development and performance. A tool you can use to synchronize team members and the processes that move them through predictable stages of team development faster and more successfully. Situational Team Leadership is a core framework of five steps employing several research-based models and strategies.
- Team leaders participating with other team leaders
- Intact teams going through the learning experience at the same time
- Discover the Team Performance Mindset that helps teams perform at their best
- Learn how to diagnose team needs by identifying the development stages all teams progress through and understanding what high-performance teams do at each stage
- Develop the team leadership behaviors that help teams the most: structuring a team charter, leveraging conflict, fostering team accountability, and encouraging risk-taking

Coaching Essentials®:
A Blanchard Program
Leaders who use coaching skills have more effective teams, grow and retain their key people, and experience higher productivity overall. Coaching Essentials® is designed to help managers and leaders integrate coaching behaviors into their leadership style that will aid them in developing skills and confidence in their team to achieve organizational goals.
Managers and individuals seeking to develop coaching skills in order to increase the effectiveness and competence of those they lead.
- Leverage four coaching skills that develop self-reliance in others
- Apply the four-step coaching process that results in clear agreements and action
- Identify when coaching is needed to help others reach a higher level of performance
- Accelerate individual and team progress toward objectives